Quality Personal Finance App
MoneyWiz 2 is a big step up from the previous MoneyWiz. The new app is very handy for keep track of your personal finances which would include, checking accounts, savings accounts and various credit cards. MoneyWiz 2 does a great job importing finance data from different sites. For instance you can download credit card transactions for monthly statments and put it right on to MoneyWiz and MoneyWiz updates your credit card balance with ease. Other futures that work really well are the schduled payments, statistics data, and the simplicity of the app. One of the futures that really doesnt work well is it’s loan calculator. It has a hard time adjusting for different intrest rates or for instance you pay more then the statment balance, the loan caluclator doesnt account for this and then the loan data gets off track. All in all I believe MoneyWiz is one of the better personal finance apps and it defiantly is the best buy for your buck.
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MoneyWiz 2 - Personal Finance