Overall, I prefer iBank (I have version 4 as paying another $70 for v5 was just too much.)
I find that iBank is much more capable whereas Moneywiz has a slightly nicer interface—buuuut the interface is geared for ios and suffers for it (it is geared to tap targets rather than mouse targets so you find your mouse going all over the screen to accomplish simple transactions.
The Moneywiz GUI is also very rigid and uncustomisable which is very frustrating. iBank’s was much more flexible in regards to alias names for your transactions.
I also find that iBank’s importing was much more robust and tolerant at finding duplicate transactions that come in +/- a couple of days from when they are expected in scheduled transactions. If a transaction is a day late/early, Moneywiz has a habit of not linking it to the scheduled transaction so you end up with duplicates,
Moneywiz’s reports tool is also slooooooooooooooooow…and the fact that payees can’t be directly associated with a category is such a very 1970’s datasilo approach (relational database anyone?) which means applying changes retrospectively is basically unpaid manual labour individually updating each old entry (select multiple enties you say and do a bulk change……not with this application).
I will continue to try it for a few months and see if it grows on me.
I won’t be using the online feature. The 400% markup from what they are being charged for the online bank access is just cheeky.
Also, no icloud support which is a big negative.
orangesurfer about MoneyWiz 2 - Personal Finance, v2.0.3